Monday, July 7, 2014

Don't Stand So Close to Me

So I haven't blogged in a while, but I read something this morning that got me to thinking. I like reading comic books. Warren Ellis seems to be my favorite so far, with Transmetropolitan, and Planetary. I like comics that have real life issues in them, like rape and murder and politics and moral dilemmas. It makes for a more interesting read. One comic, Rick Remender's current run of Captain America, vol. 7, has a scene where Sam Wilson, a.k.a, the Falcon, sleeps with a younger woman. Now, some people were confused bout her age, because when she is first introduced she is 13, but in this issues she is shown to be 23. She even states her age before, but some people were still screaming statutory rape. Even after they figured out she was legal, they still consider it wrong.  You can read the story here:

Gloria Miller of the Examinar states that even if she is 23, the character is still immature, and should not be taken advantage of. Here is my question: Why is the woman always the victim. Clearly I'm not talking about the statutory rape, obviously that's bad. It's Millers comment that even if the character is 23, clearly the older man is taking advantage of her. So at what age is a woman responsible for her own action? That seems to be the mentality in todays society. It's always the guys fault. When a woman is raped (and yes, it's bad) people think "That's a man for you" like we were bread to just be aggressive assholes that constantly assault women (psst, we're not). If a woman rapes a man though, everyone says "That's impossible! That could never happen". When two people get divorced, everyone assumes the man did something wrong. He must have been the one to cheat. He's the one expected to move out of his house, and start over. Even child custody laws (especially in Texas) skew everything in favor of the woman. Why can't men ever be the victim's? How can we constantly scream about sexual inequality when we don't know what the word "equal" really means.

I don't think that Ms. Miller was really as upset as she let on. I assume it's Miss. I think she's doing that thing that seems to be popular now. Want followers? Create a controversy. Want to up the traffic to your twitter. Find outrage with something. Find something to poke at, figure out how it's detrimental to today's society, and then start screaming. Scream loud enough, and other people will start screaming with you, even if they don't know what it's about. People want to find a reason to fight, even if they don't know what they fighting for.

Now listen to REO Speedwagon's "Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore"

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cash Rules Everything Around Me.

I haven't blogged in a while, but something finally popped in the news lately that is interesting, and I think that people are looking at it from the wrong angle. The state of Arizona is trying to pass a law that states any business can refuse service to any person, gay or otherwise, based on the business owners personal religious beliefs. So basically, if your religious beliefs tell you homosexuality is wrong, you can refuse to serve a gay customer and it not be considered discrimination.  Of course this has upset quite a few people, including all of the gay community. They see this as opening the door for more discrimination.  If we can refuse gay people service, then why can't we refuse other people service as well? That's a valid argument. If marijuana is a “gateway drug", then this is a gateway to the 1950's, where we were still fighting separate but equal. The people making this law are white, and don't remember what my parents had to go thru growing up in the 50's. Our ADD society has allowed us to forget our history at an alarming rate. But luckily there are other time honored traditions that will keep this law from being effective. 


We live in a country were capitalism rules, and capitalism is great.  It allows anyone who has the drive and puts in the hard work to make a name for themselves, and make a SHIT load of money off of their fellow man. Most of the laws that are passed in this country are there to protect America’s consumerism way of life. Don’t believe me? Check out half of laws Congress passed thanks to the Commerce Clause.  We don’t want to hurt anyone’s ability to make lots of money, or spend it.  If a company in Arizona refuses service to a particular group of people because of their beliefs, they are simply leaving the door open for another business to take that customer’s money.  Any true business owner knows that the only color, creed, religion, or sexual orientation that matters is GREEN. If you’re not willing to take every piece of it you can get, someone else will.  That’s what makes this country great, the right to refuse service to anyone you want, and the opportunity for someone else to take that cash that YOU so carelessly dropped. Its simple survival of the economic fittest, and any company that wants to limit their availability will die by their own discriminatory undoing. Our greed will bring us together. 

After this, listen to some Wu Tang “C.R.E.A.M”.  Dolla Dolla Bills ya’ll!!