Monday, August 19, 2013

Frisk Me

There was an important ruling over the “stop-and-frisk” law in New York last week.  If you are unfamiliar with it, it is a law that allows cops to stop, question, and frisk anyone that seems suspicious.  I’ll pause while all the people with high melanin counts stop and say “What the fu..”  A judge ruled that this law is unconstitutional, and basically allows for unlawful search and seizure, while people like conservative mouth piece Ann Coulter, and NY police commissioner Ray Kelly, actually think that it’s not racist, and is a good thing.

Ann Coulter, who I’m ironically attracted to, wrote an article after the hearing defending the law.  You can find a copy of it here.

She stated that liberals were not allowed to call the law “racist” considering how many young back lives it saved. Her logic is that every “hoodlum” found in a black neighborhood thru this act, was one less person that could hurt an innocent black person in that area.  True.  One less gun on the street is one less potential violent crime. Here’s where her logic is screwed (which is usually the case for a conservative spin doctor).

Numerous test done on the stops, including one by the NYCLU (I know Ann, damn liberals) consistently keep showing that a majority of the people stopped were Black and Hispanic.  From 2002 to 2012, on average, only 10.5 percent of the people stopped were white.  Of course the only people helped are Black and Hispanic; they were the only ones being stopped.  By Ann’s logic, if the NYPD only stopped and questioned white people for a solid year, then they could come back and report that only white people carry guns in NYC, and thousands of whites are saved a year by this program. When you’re only targeting minorities with this law, you can’t come back and brag about all the potential minority crimes that were stopped.  It’s like paying a hooker for sex, and then bragging to everyone that you got laid. This law was inherently flawed to begin with. It's a good thing it's being removed.


 You're more than welcome to racially profile and frisk me though, Ann. 

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